- Start With Hello
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- đź’Ś To selfie or not to selfie?
đź’Ś To selfie or not to selfie?
striking a balance on social media and entrepreneurship

Hi friend!
How are you faring today?
I love writing these letters.
They feel like a chance to reflect. To share. To confide in a friend.
And I hope you enjoy reading them.
And find morsels of it helpful!
I got this super sweet message about my last newsletter and I still read it on the daily. Unexpected and so, so kind.

Last week was spent in Santa Flavia. A sleepy little fishing village in southern Italy.
I’ve been dreaming about being by the water, somewhere sunny, and so voila.
Hanif (my partner) and I indulged in an EasyJet flight (says no one ever) and a waterside AirBnb.
I took 3 selfies in total over the week.
Happy. Sweaty. Post-journaling by turquoise waters.

a stealthy selfie, post journaling on the rocks
And then I realized what the hell.
I knew why I was taking selfies. To document myself.
To create content for my business.
And, you know what?
I’ve never been that kind of person.
I love taking photos of others. And relish putting my phone away on travels.
To live in the moment.
The Vatican? Trekking with elephants in Thailand? The time I took a night-train bus solo in Penang?
Not documented.
But now I am.
Because a fair amount of running my own business is sharing parts of myself.
Opening up.
Inviting someone in to live an experience with me. And comment on it.
It’s weird, isn’t it, this internet life?
I love it because it’s allowed me to connect with so many people.
And then sometimes, while taking a selfie amidst gawking townspeople, it feels kinda funky.
I don’t have big, conclusive thoughts here, except to say I hope you and I find our balance with social media, branding, and all of that jazz.
Lean into it when it feels good.
And open the door when you’re ready to let it take a walk.
Going-ons I’m excited for:
My group coaching program, AuthenTech, starts April 11th and I only have 2 spots left! If you want to join big-hearted, ambitious women, we are beckoning you over. Book a 15-min curiosity chat with me!
I’m giving a personal (and vulnerable) talk about my many life pivots and how to navigate your own career transition with PIZZAZZ. It’s this Thursday, 4/4, at 4pm EST. Sign up here.
One of my clients just raised VC funding!!!!!! In FemTech! More details to come but AH this is a big one.
Rooting for you,
❤️ Sarah
🎵 this is kind of embarrassing, but, this was written to the “tune” of brown noise. What melody! I’m at a cafe and needed some no-word sounds. Does anyone else do this?
Start With Hello is a weekly newsletter of quips, tips + proven strategies specifically designed for women in tech who are ready to feel more like the energized and damn cool person they were 5 years ago.
It’s written by Sarah, a coach, founder, and Sushi Go aficionado. I offer 1:1 coaching and if you’re in a rut, I’ve got you - book a chemistry call. Please pass this along to a friend if they’d find it interesting AND have a brilliant day⚡️.